The Shredquarters has become my second home and I'm completely addicted to the sessions. As well as being a brilliant place to train the SQ is a real community, with everyone looking out for each other and we have so much fun during training. Thank you to Team SQ for creating such a unique place to work out!
My partner and I had our first shred session this morning, we didn’t know what to expect, but were immediately greeting by lovely and welcoming trainers. I’m not going to lie, it was really hard work! It was tailored to both of our needs, and it was really nice having some girly advice along the way, with the trainers making some of the exercises slightly easier for me… (I’ve been out of exercise for a while) but I left feeling totally motivated and can’t wait to get back down there to get beasted again. Thank you guys!
Done my first session tonight and really enjoyed it. Wasn’t sure what to expect but it was so friendly and the guys made you feel welcome. The set up is amazing, very professional and a totally refreshing experience. I’ll be back this week to sign up for sure..
I do love Shredquarters! Friendly welcome from everyone. The trainers know their stuff and will push you to your limit, but they know that everyone’s limit is different and really personalise their advice and encouragement. Never been to a gym like it and now I’m addicted!
What an awesome setup!! I turned up for a shred session today and I’m so glad I did! I was lucky enough to be taken through the session by trainers who quickly informed me that they DON’T USE MACHINES THEY BUILD THEM! And I can vouch for that mantra. If you are looking for a gym with a community feel, no egos and your prepared to work bloody hard then this is the place for you!
Joining Shred has so far been a life changer.
7 weeks on with a break for Christmas and I’m loving it. I’m currently 3 stone over weight & haven’t really exercised like this in 5 years. Before joining The Shredquarters I’d spent 1 year training & competing in a number of half marathons & ending it with a marathon. The thing is, I had a goal, that’s what kept me going. I had to complete these challenges, there was no alternative.
Unfortunately I struggle with will power, I have no belief that I can do things & ultimately every time life gets tough I back down, tell myself I can’t do it & it’s game over. ‘Conventional’ gyms don’t work for me. I get embarrassed when I struggle, I can be quite imitated in an environment where everyone is just drop dead fit & gorgeous (which of course everyone of teamSQ are :-)) ! I needed help, encouragement & just a bit of guidance.
I heard about The Shredquarters months ago…followed a family members progress through an 8 week Shred, still it was never a place you’d get me in as I believed all gyms are ultimately the same. Stuck up, intimidating and out of my league & basically left to your own devices which doesn’t work for me….I just wouldn’t go. How wrong was I? How can so many people, that you don’t know, support you through tough challenges? How can people like me fit in a place like this? WELL I DO & I LOVE it! If I had known what I do now about The Shredquarters then maybe I would have started my journey a long time ago. I’m accepted.
Hannah, Adam, Carlton & Gemma certainly LOVE their jobs….. they are so motivated to get the best out of you. Yes, it hurts, yes i have to have regular breathers, yes I must look like an octopus whilst doing some of the exercises, yes I’m still so un-fit (yet getting fitter by the day), yes my co-ordination is shocking and yes when I’m flat down sweating my arse off they check on me to make sure I’m not in fact dead…… BUT I’m here, I’m improving & these guys have totally pushed and motivated me. To me it feels like personal training every session & for that I’m so grateful. My first goal is just learning to exercise again and that’s fine – yes totally FINE! I walk out of there sometimes feeling like superwoman, I could conquer anything. That’s the team for you…. that’s how they want you to feel!
The Shredquarters I love you!!!